Have you ever wondered what is the best way to decorate a Christmas tree?
Today I thought I would share some tips on how to decorate a Christmas tree.
But before we begin I do want to warn you the before pictures of my Christmas tree are not the best. The sun was coming in through the window and it was really shinning in on the tree as I was trying to decorate it!
So let’s get going!
I have a few decorating tips to share on how to decorate a Christmas tree.
I’m all about saving some time as well and if I can repurpose that makes me so happy too!
An artificial tree is what we have in our home. It last much longer than a real tree, I can put it up earlier and don’t need to water it, plus we have allergies. I also don’t have to buy a new tree each year, and no tree needles!
Pre lite trees are a great time saver too! I’m doing some fluffing and adjusting the branches so there are no holes in the tree. As you can see there are many holes in between this Christmas tree! I pull each branch apart moving up and down the tree. I think this is the best way to fill the spaces in the tree.
Adding more snow to the tree I usually use two cans of snow spray.
I then spray the tree with can snow spray covering the branches by moving up and down the tree.
My tree has three pieces which is so nice and easy to put together !
I like to set my tree up at least a day before I decorate it, so I can fluff the branches and spray the snow.
Adding some snow gives my tree a nice glow, it does take a few hours to dry.
One thing I always do is to make sure to check the lights before I start decorating!
Even though I have a pre-lite tree I check the lights to make sure they are working. Usually the lights will all hook together on one side of the tree. I put that part of the tree towards the side for easy access!
Decorating The Christmas Tree
Decorating the tree
I add clear ornaments to the inside of the tree for added glow! The clear bulbs really help to illuminate the tree lights! The ornaments are placed from the inside of the Christmas tree to the outside.
Next I start adding a filler to the tree. This filler is called a horse hair filler. I used green but you can use any color. I purchase this from Amazon. Here’s a link to Amazon https://www.amazon.com/b?tag=houseofmar6-20&linkCode=ur1&node=5622719011 Oh and its not real horse hair!
I tuck the horse hair in between the branches to fill any holes in the tree so you can’t see through the tree. After I’ve finished with the filler I begin to hang my largest ornaments first. I start at the bottom of the tree and work my way up. Using the next size of ornaments I continue up the tree and using the smallest bulbs at the top of the tree.
The next thing I add to the tree is the wire ribbon. Cutting the ribbon into pieces saves on the ribbon, it’s easier to work with, and you get a lot of bang for the buck, so to speak. Just place folded in the tree, I also fill it in to give the tree a little more bulk.
I fill in the ribbon again starting at the bottom and working my way up the tree filling in the areas around the tree.
Lastly besides the tree topper, I’ll add a few more tree fillers such as sprigs, beads, or some flowers will work well in a Christmas tree.
My tree topper goes on last and don’t forget the skirt in case you didn’t put it under before you began decorating the tree!
This tree only has the lights it came with! Look at how bright it is from all the little tricks we did!
So adding all the little tricks to the tree of fluffing, adding the horse hair, the clear bulbs near the inside of the tree and close to a light. We added the largest ornaments at the bottom, working our way up to the top with the next in size ornaments. Next we added some wired ribbon! Also ribbon that has a little sparkle helps with the illumination of the tree! We added our fillers in last! I always add it to any hole in the tree.
Items To Use To Decorate A Christmas Tree
Fillers: Horse Hair, Clear Ornaments, twigs, flowers,
Ornament: Use different size ornaments such as large, medium, and small.
Ribbon:Wired ribbon, use in three different color combination.
Cover for the bottom of the tree: Tree skirt, cover box, chunky blanket, table cloth, and or a faux fur, make sure to place first.
Garland: Beads, popcorn strand, cranberries strand.
The tree is all decorated and it didn’t take much time at all with a little planning the tree is all dressed and ready for the Christmas holiday !!!
I hope this post about What Is The Best Way To Decorate A Christmas Tree will give you some ideas for decorating your tree!
Wishes for the happiest of holiday season!
Mary Anne,
Items I used to decorate my Christmas tree.
Items I used on my Christmas tree to decorate it.